Monday 15 March 2010

Mind Mapping: Learning and Teaching with Both Sides of the Brain

One of the most usefull tool nowdays is mind mapping, this is use around the world, in education and in business. In education, they have the following functions:

1-. Student presentation tool

2-. Pre-writing tool

3-. Teaching tool

According to the researches, one side of the brain, the left side, is the home of lineal thinking, control language and numbers. The right side is asociated with artistic thinking like pictures, thw mind map can combine these 2 elements, would optimize the brain's ability to create, to learn and to remember.

You start a mind map at the center, with a main idea, so it helps you stay focused.

Then all the information than you add should relate to the main idea.

Your ideas must be grouping into a logical structure, and that is all.

In conclusion, mind map is easy to learn and easy to use and the most important is powerful.

Study in Colombia

If you are planning start your studies in Colombia, you will think about advantages and disadvantages of choosing Colombia.

If the most important thing is the money, Colombia is your better options.
Colombia is a cheaper country for education, in there you can find Public Universities with well known, this means than the Goverment pay a part of yours study, but those kind of Universities exists only in bigger cities, as Medellin, Bogota y Cali.

If you want to work and study, you will choose Bogota, Bogota is the Capital city, where, you can have a chance to work there easier.

I think the main disadvantages is find a well payment job. For that, Colombia is a good country for study, but no for live.


Alvaro Uribe Velez is a current president of my country 'Colombia'. Nowdays, he is working for second period, in my country the president works only 4 years, this is a perios, but Uribe was a good president and for this reason the citizen decided re-elected for second term.

Uribe began his political career was a Mayor of Medellin, later he was Senator and then he was Governor of a big department call Antioquia, he did this things before he was elected President if Colombia in 2002.

When Uribe began like a president Colombia had serious problem with security, because the guerrilla movement, the FARC, kinapped people in any occasion, for example, when we travelling around the cities, when went to work, etc. This days were very confused for Colombian, but with Uribe like a President this situations had a happy ending.

He works to improve the lives of citizens, for this reason I admired my actual president and if I would choose, I choose him again like a President.

Cockney Rhyming Slang !

What is slang ?

Using slang means replacing a common word or sentence with a totally new one.

It is often associated with younger people in each new generation, for this reason, we used to say that slang defines a generation.

Look at a simple example of slang, With money.

In British, we can say quid

So in my pocket I have 5 quid.

In America, we can say Buck

So in my pocket I have 5 bucks.

Look at some words, which are used in natural British English, but are not really used in American English. All of these words are very common and are used in casual spoken English.


(noun) synonym: beer

A pint is 568ml using the Imperial system. In British bars and pubs pint of beer (or half-pints) are served. We use pint to mean a beer in a pub.

Do you want to go for a pint after work ?


(noun) synonum: garbage, trash, waste / low quality / untrue

It can be used to describe garbage, trash

Throw the empty coke can into the rubbish

It can be used to describe something you think is not good.

I don't like Green Day. I think their music is rubbish

It can be used to say that something is not true or a lie.

Did you read that article in he newspaper? What a load of rubbish! I don't believe it.

What is Cockney Rhyming Slang?

Cockney Rhyming slang is a coded language invented in the nineenth century by Cockneys.

So, they could speak in front the police without being understood.

It uses a conjunction of words, whose las is used to suggest a rhyme, instead of the word.

What or who is a Cockney?

Cockney traditionally is a person born with the sound of the bells of the Church of Mary Le Bow in Cheapside, London, EC" and refers to an East London accent.

Cockney expressions are being exported from London all over the word and modern Cockney slang is being develop today tends to rhyme words with the names of celebrities or famous people.

Some examples can be:

Phone = dog and bone

Upstairs = apples and pears

You can get more information about slang and Cockney slang in:

Cockney rhyming slang video:

Thursday 14 January 2010

Alex's Biography

Alex's Biography

Alexandra Rojas Ospina



I was born in Colombia on October 3, in a small town by the name of Tulua. I do not have any brothers or sisters which makes me an only child. I have very close cousins and I have got on very well with them ever since I was young. My family includes my Mother Mariela and my Father Diego who are happily married. My mother is retired; she used to work as a nurse for many years. My father still works as a factory worker in Colombiana S.A. This is one of the most famous Colombian companies and they produce different kinds of candies like Nutella, Bombones, and Bananas.

Studies and Hobbies

When I first finished school I moved to Cali because I wanted to study at Icesi University and later get a good job. In Colombia this is the only way to find a good job after graduating from a prestigious university. After graduating with a degree in Computer Engineering I found a job quickly in a company called Cementos del Valle in Cali, and later found an even better job in Carvajal headquarters. This was very good because the company is very big with branches in twelve different countries including Latin America and Spain.

I am currently a Computer Engineer but I prefer to work with software development because I do not like to have to fix computer problems. In my current job I am responsible to develop different programs on demand. My job tittle is called a 'Junior Analyst' .

I have a lot of different hobbies which include travelling spending time with my family and friends. Nowdays, walking around London to see the famous buildings, and drinking coffee and hot chocolate with my housemates.

Nowadays and Future Plans
My current employer Carvajal back home has given me ten months of work to achieve my goal and dream of learning English. This will allow me to get a promotion and become a Senior Analyst when I return home. One day I would also like to get married and be as happy as my parents and raise my own children to speak fluent Spanish and English like me.